周囲にあるWi-Fiネットワークを表示できるWiFi Explorerがv2.0にアップデートされ、多数の機能追加やバグ修正がされています。
バージョン 2.0 の新機能
- Fixes incorrect max. data rates under certain circumstances.
- Fixes incorrect state of Stop button when not scanning.
- Addresses issue caused by certain access points that advertise a secondary channel even though they are set to operate at 20 MHz channel width only.
- Addresses an issue where intermittent 0 dBm RSSI values might be reported by OS X for certain networks.
- Better looks in OS X Yosemite.
- Networks can be quickly filtered by ESSID, PHY mode, radio, vendor or signal strength levels.
- Networks can be grouped by physical radio in Signal Strength and Channels graph.
- Beacon interval and basic rates can now be added as columns.
- DFS channels can be hidden in Channels graph if not being used by any networks.
- Made sure CSV file generated from export option includes all fields.
- Vendors database can now be updated from within the app.
- Other minor bug fixes plus stability and performance improvements.
If you find WiFi Explorer useful and have a couple of minutes, please share your thoughts by leaving a review in the Mac App Store. It will make a huge difference to me!
Found a problem or have a concern?
Please visit the WiFi Explorer Support website, or @wifiexplorer on Twitter, and send me a message so we can resolve it.
WiFi Explorer
カテゴリ: ユーティリティ
価格: ¥1,800